Student Handbook
You may find the Student Handbook here.
School History and Philosophy |
3 |
School Song |
4 |
School Crest |
5 |
School Vision, Mission, Motto and Values |
6 |
School Strategic Thrusts |
7 |
Student Management and Discipline |
A. School Rules and Regulations |
8 |
B. Discipline Management and Consequences for Misbehaviour |
17 |
C. Conduct Grade |
19 |
D. School Values and Personal Quality Rubrics |
20 |
E. School Uniform, PE Attire and Grooming |
21 |
F. Student Well-being |
23 |
G. Useful Helplines |
24 |
Academic Programme |
A. STEM-Applied Learning Programme (ALP) |
25 |
B. Homework Policy |
27 |
C. School Examination Rules and Regulations |
30 |
D. Assessment Guidelines and Academic Grading System |
34 |
E. Promotion Criteria |
35 |
F. Admission to JC/Re-U Courses/Polytechnics/ITE |
37 |
Student Development and Co-curriculum Programme |
A. Student Development Programme |
38 |
B. Character and Citizenship Education (CCE 2021) |
40 |
C. Co-curricular Activities (CCA) and LEAPS 2.0 |
42 |
D. Learning for Life Programme (LLP) |
43 |
MOE and School-based Awards |
44 |
School Safety |
A. Physical Education Guidelines |
47 |
B. Road Safety and Advisory |
48 |
C. Road Safety and Advisory |
48 |
D. Special Room Safety Regulations |
49 |
E. Emergency Exercises |
54 |